Dance in one of our many classes with our world renowned instructors! Proud to be the home studio for Miss Wisconsin 2024!
Classes accepting new students year round!
Tumble in Portage with Mr. David! David is a champion tumbler and has worked with the Mexican Olympics team!
Sessions are offered in 6 and 8 week sections, or year round. Drop in classes also available!
Call today 608-566-7204
Reasonable rules and standards are provided to promote self-discipline. Students should arrive at the studio with sufficient time to change into dance shoes to begin class on time.
Teachers of LSOD have the responsibility to see that their class is under control, and they have the authority to dismiss any student who will not cooperate and is a disruption to the rest of the class. Inappropriate dress or behavior will not be allowed. No gum, food or drinks other than water will be permitted inside the classrooms during class or rehearsal.
It is important for parents and students to understand that dance class is not the same as your grade in school. Nor do you dance from 8am to 3pm Monday through Friday. In most cases, the class will progress as a group but not all the time. Every child will be challenged in each class to compete against themselves not others.
LSOD wants every student to have an exceptional and enjoyable dance experience. We expect our students to have a respectful attitude towards all teachers and fellow dancers.
Dance team is not just a sport for the child, it is a parent and child sport please take an active role in your child’s dance education.
Please share the following with your children:
*Pay attention to your teacher- Please do not talk to your friends during class! It disrupts the whole class and makes it difficult for the teacher to communicate with other students. Meet your classmates before or after class for social time!
*We allow ONLY water in the dance room. You may have food and drinks only in the lobby (In Portage, use breakroom). Please dispose of all trash PROPERLY in a waste basket.
*Do not pull or hang from the Ballet Barres. They can be pulled off the wall or broken. Ballet Barres are for balance and support.
*Come prepared to dance- attire, grooming, attitude, desire to succeed, and energy!
*All messages sent to teachers of LSOD must also be sent to Laura, the director. This goes for text messages and emails!
If for any reason, disrespectful behavior arises from either student or affiliated guardian, consequences will be carried out.
Good Manners and Proper Etiquette are always expected
Dress Code: To be all BLACK-no other colors on clothing to consist of leotard, 2 piece spandex outfits, jazz pants and/or skirts. LSOD apparel is allowed. All hair must be in a BUN or competition hair for classes. If you show up to class and do not have on all black or hair up you will not be allowed to dance, only observe and you will need a private lesson at your expense to learn what the others are learning. * Proper dance Shoes are a non-negotiable- wear the correct ones, no exceptions. Tights are required for ALL Ballet classes, and Nov 1-Apr 1. Costumes are picked out by the instructors. Solo/Duet/Trio are able to pick out their own costumes with the instructor approval. *All costumes are to be purchased through the studio only.
*Classes will be assigned by the instructor, students will be placed in a group that the instructor feels is best for you child.
*All choreography is chosen by the professional instructors. Parents input is NOT ALLOWED.
If it is your birthday week you can wear any color summer birthdays can wear any color week 1.
Competition students are not permitted to dance at other studios unless permission is granted from studio owner. An immediate dismissal will occur if a competitive student is dancing at another studio, without permission from the LSOD owner.
**All fee's for lesson's must be paid in full in order to compete.
**Late fee's will apply to those who do not pay competition fee's on time. You will be removed from team if this occurs on a regular basis.
Competition schedule: Given in person at the team required parent dance meetings. Do not start asking for the schedule until you are within a week from the competition date. Chances are you will have it between 1-2 weeks before the date.
Only the director is permitted to contact the competition company. ALL questions or concerns with any competition related, must be directed to your instructor. You are not allowed to contact competition staff.
Attendance: Notifying a teacher via email or phone of a late student is not acceptable with an hour or less until class start time. If students need to leave before the end of the class, they should notify the teacher before class begins. Students may not leave the classroom without first receiving permission from the teacher
Students are not permitted in to the dance room after class has been in session for 10 minutes. If you arrive later than this, you may continue to take the class, however, it will count as a miss.
Recreational dance students are allowed 3 misses for the entire season. This is for illness or vacations. Once you arrive at 3 you may possibly be removed from the competition teams. When you do miss a class it is your responsibility to make up the classes. Schedule a private lesson with your instructor before the next class meets. Private lessons during the season are $60 per hour/the price is not inviting, so do not miss!
Travel team students are allowed 1 miss for the entire season, however, if the miss is before choreography is completed, you will be required to make up the class at the rate of $60 per hour.
Any doctor excuses will not count toward the misses.
*Please note, LSOD instructors prefer all students to be in class at all times. If a student is gone for rehearsal the teacher may think our routines do not look proper and rearrange the class routines and missed student spots. *It is best for everyone involved to stay within our schedule.*
Videotaping and music: It is encourage to video tape classes and purchase the music for classes to keep your children practicing. Please speak with your instructor as to when a good time would be to come in and video tape. However, you are NOT allowed to put any dances on Youtube, or other social media.
All choreography, including guest choreographers, is property of Laura's School of Dance, LLC. Permission must be granted from the studio owner and choreographer if you would like to perform outside of the studio or events held by LSOD.
Waiting area: All spectators must observe QUIETLY from the waiting area. If we hear loud disruptive sounds we will need to ask you to wait outside the building. Parents are not allowed in the dance room unless invited for video taping or if a child is having behavior issues. It is NOT necessary for parents of dance team students to stay in the building, many times it is a distraction.
At no time are you allowed to interrupt a class that is in session, unless it is an emergency. Our goal is to keep classes running on time, and to use every minute teaching our dancers.
Parents of dance team members are required to stop in to the studio through out the season and check the boards for notes and information. Notes are given to the children, posted on the website and facebook, but some times that isn’t enough, so please stop in on occasion so you don?t miss anything!
* FOR PORTAGE- If you are there during meal time please eat in the break room. We ask that food not be eaten in the lobby. There is a refrigerator and microwave for your use. Please clean up after yourselves.*
Waiting room gossip and negativity is FORBIDDEN and is immediate grounds for dismal of your child. We expect all adults and students to be positive and supportive of all dancers and instructors at Laura's School of Dance at all times while a member of the dance team. Any child on scholarship will have their scholarship revoked if parent, or child gossip occurs. If anyone feels differently please do not join our dance teams.
It is our goal to give your child the best possible dance instruction and provide them with self- confidence. We appreciate the support that the parents and guardians provide, but please remember the instructors are the professionals when it comes to dance!
Form below must be returned before the next dance class.
I have read and fully understand the dance team competition handbook.
Please check our website and facebook regularly for up to date information and changes.
Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date______________________
Student Signature__________________________________________Date___________________